

What is diplomat loyalty?

It is a different sort of test of professional loyalty comes when people (national diplomats or ordinary citizens alike) are posted to join international organisations. In principle they are expected to leave behind national allegiances and instead follow the supposedly lofty policies of their new employers.

What is the true meaning of loyalty?

Loyalty can be defined as the state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations. faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc. an example or instance of faithfulness, adherence, or the like: a man with fierce loyalties.

Why is diplomatic etiquette important?

Today it is particularly important because it not only covers the ceremonial rules that are followed during official functions and how to behave on these special occasions, but it also provides a set of established rules of courteousness that are to be respected in society.

What is protocol in diplomatic relations?

In the diplomatic sense, the term refers to the set of rules, procedures, conventions and ceremonies that relate to relations between states. In general, protocol represents the recognized and generally accepted system of international courtesy.

What is loyalty in professional life?

A loyal employee is happy to (continue to) work for the organisation, as is a committed employee. They identify with the organisation and want to do their best, because they feel at home there. Employees who feel as if they fit into your organisation are also more likely to be loyal to your organisation.

When employees are loyal to their workplace, they will be more willing to invest in their work, innovating new ideas and going the extra mile. Loyal employees are happy employees, after all, and as Forbes reports, happy employees mean “hefty profits”.


In the workplace, there are those who foster trust and earn loyalty, and those who abuse trust and loyalty for personal gain. Those who command the loyalty of those around them because of their title, and those who’ve earned loyalty by gaining their employees’ trust and respect.

The difference of loyalty is whether an employee is following the actions of a manager or that of a leader.
In definition, loyalty is a strong feeling of support to either a person, place, or cause. It’s an intrinsic characteristic based off of one’s emotions and commitment.

Too often, employees display loyalty to their supervisor because they’ve been taught that they are always right – that it’s their way or the highway.

Some companies abuse their loyal employees by asking them to do more than others.

Loyalty is not always saying yes.

An example of loyalty is when employees look to their supervisor for help.

Organizations desire employers and employees who are loyal. When employers and employees are loyal to one another, employee satisfaction, productivity, and company profitability increases.

On a more personal level, loyalty stands for commitment and dedication to another allowing respect and trust to flourish. Loyalty is important in both business and our personal lives. … Loyalty is valuable because it allows us to take the risk of predicting the actions and behavior of people we trust.


1. Loyalty is not something people talk about much and, lately, it even seems unpopular in certain environments, but it is a vital quality to possess and, especially, to expect in the business world and even more so in our personal lives.

2. It is hard to define loyalty, but very easy to recognize it. Loyalty is valuable because it allows us to take the risk of predicting the actions and behavior of people we trust.

3. One may not always correctly decide who to be loyal to, and some people may even disappoint us or deceive us when we are loyal to them. Despite all this, loyalty always allows us to be true to ourselves and to our values.

4. It may be hard to be loyal sometimes, and often costly, but loyalty defines who we are and how well we sleep at night. It guarantees a clean conscience and a positive and transparent life.

5. Loyalty must never be blind or submissive. Such loyalty is unsound and may even cause career suicide. Being loyal is being devoted and vulnerable, but never naive.

6. It is important to be loyal to the past. There is no use in denying or hiding from it and, contrary to popular belief, attempting to do so usually only makes our efforts to hide from it that much more evident. Bad-mouthing former bosses, former companies or collaborators only shows a latent disloyalty and alerts others to certain future betrayal. Watch out when hiring!

7. Loyalty demands integrity and consistency. You can’t be loyal, for instance, in business, to your partners, your boss or your company and not be loyal to your romantic partner, your family or your friends, and vice versa.

Why is loyalty important in workplace?

Employee loyalty is crucial to the company’s productivity and performance. It can act as a chain link reaction. If the employee loyalty is soiled, the employee loyalty is soiled and everything else will soon be the same. Employees matter more than most people think they do.


Loyal employees are loyal to where they work. They work hard for their pay and are committed to their work’s success. Loyal employees may someday leave, but while they work for you they do their best and often even put the company’s interests ahead of their own
Ask any boss about hard working, key employees who drive their businesses forward and one of the words they will invariably use to describe them is dedicated.

Dedication is an exceedingly strong feeling of support and loyalty for something or someone. To run any successful firm you must have available, and be able to depend upon, dedicated employees. Dedication is one of three attributes or hallmarks of worker engagement, the other two being vigor and absorption. Engaged employees are what every employer wants. Feeling engaged at work is what every employee wants. To feel engaged while on-the-job is to love one’s work.

On fire, purpose driven, dedicated employees are often the first to show up and the last to leave work. Sometimes, they have to be reminded to quit working and go home. It is hard for them to break away, they love what they do so much.

This isn’t because they are workaholics or toiling long hours out of fear for losing their jobs. They genuinely love what they do. At the beginning of every work day they are anxious to get started. They feel energized by what they do. They feel they are making a difference. On some fundamental level, they are the difference. Have you ever felt this way about your work?

Here are 9 unmistakable signs of employee dedication:

1. A visible, almost infectious passion for one’s work

2. Positive attitude and demeanor in personal interactions with other employees and with the patients, clients or customers.

3. Punctuality at all times for work, meetings and functions.

4. High attendance/low absenteeism at work, meetings and functions.

5. Knows the history, mission, values and vision of the business.

6. Demonstrates initiative often.

7. Flexibility when it comes to change.

8. High work ethic.

9. Reputation of getting things done.

The opposite of worker engagement is worker burnout. The hallmarks of job related burnout – emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and a feeling of inefficacy – are the exact opposite of engagement. A business burning out it’s employees will never thrive. Employees who are burned out will eventually leave their workplace when the pain of staying becomes greater than the pain of leaving, of making a job or career change.

Here are three pathways to press into:

1. Cultivate Loyalty.!

Being so focused on bringing prospects through the front door, sometimes, you can forget about those going out the back. Enduring connections happen when you urge your clients and employees to stay the course by encouraging them to renew their commitments and helping them VALUE what is VALUABLE.

2. Celebrate Loyalty.!

This can be as simple as a Christmas card or as heartfelt as a personal phone call. As a company, be sure to set tangible goals and conspicuously celebrate the progress that’s been made. Look for strategic ways to cast vision, gather testimonies, craft impact pieces, and honor important milestones. Creatively appreciate your clients and co-workers, and publicly commemorate a job well done!​

3. Reward Loyalty!

According to the book Marketing Metrics, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70 percent, and they typically spend 67 percent more than first-time clients. Additionally, persuasive personal recommendations are most likely to flow from your base.

Loyalty is not an isolated character trait: loyalty involves allegiance to your value system. When you chose loyalty over selfishness or instant gratification and for the right reasons of your own persuasion and conscience, you will strengthen your relationships, experience integrity, and reap the rewards of a clean soul and clean conscience.

What do you define as loyalty?

Loyalty combines words and action. It is time-tested devotion and a quality that is most valued for the steadfast security it brings. Theodore Roosevelt said, “It is better to be faithful than famous”.

Prioritize People

Inspiring loyalty in others is directly a result of prioritizing people. Companies that recognize people and go the extra mile to cultivate, celebrate, and reward their loyalty will ultimately come out on top in terms of customer retention and employee satisfaction.

Relationally, loyalty builds trust, security, affection, and the ability to thrive. The same is true professionally – only as we build loyal customers and employees will we begin to see business prosper and flourish to its fullest potential. So how can you grow something so intangible, yet so critical, to the foundation of your organization?

The quality of not being loyal to a person, country, or organization; unfaithfulness.

“An accusation of disloyalty and betrayal”
synonyms: unfaithfulness, infidelity, inconstancy, faithlessness, fickleness, unreliability, untrustworthiness, breach of trust, breach of faith, betrayal, falseness, false-heartedness, falsity, duplicity, double-dealing, treachery, perfidy, perfidiousness, treason, subversion, sedition, dissidence, adultery, back-stabbing, two-timing, hollow-heartedness, Punic faith, recreancy.

What is the opposite of not loyal?

Opposite of being faithful and devoted in one’s support. disloyal. treacherous. subversive. traitorous.

The rapidly changing state of the world makes planning in the face of complex interconnected problems a formidable challenge. Our ability to conceive adequate solutions and strategies is often undermined by our lack of understanding of the nature of problems in their wider context.

Permit me to summarized by still bring this question to us again because it has become an habit of most people abusing the privileges giving to them by their employers. Everyone must allow the spirit of loyalty be in them because disloyalty will only bring pains and misfortunes.

What is an act of disloyalty?

the quality of being disloyal; lack of loyalty; unfaithfulness. violation of allegiance or duty, as to a government. a disloyal act.

اكتشاف المزيد من الاتحاد الدولى للصحافة العربية

اشترك للحصول على أحدث التدوينات المرسلة إلى بريدك الإلكتروني.

هانى خاطر

د. هاني خاطر حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في السياحة والفندقة، إضافة إلى بكالوريوس في الصحافة والإعلام، يشغل منصب رئيس الاتحاد الدولي للصحافة العربية وحقوق الإنسان بكندا، و رئيس تحرير موقع الاتحاد الدولي للصحافة العربية وعدد من المواقع الأخرى.هاني خاطر صحفيًا ومؤلفًا ذو خبرة عميقة في مجال الصحافة والإعلام، متخصصًا في تغطية قضايا الفساد وحقوق الإنسان والحريات، يركز في عمله على تسليط الضوء على القضايا المحورية التي تؤثر على العالم العربي، ولا سيما تلك المتعلقة بالعدالة الاجتماعية والحقوق المدنية.على مدار مسيرته المهنية، نشر العديد من المقالات التي تتناول انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان والحريات العامة في بعض الدول العربية، فضلًا عن القضايا المتعلقة بالفساد الكبير، يتميز أسلوبه الكتابي بالجرأة والشفافية، حيث يسعى من خلاله إلى رفع مستوى الوعي وإحداث تغيير إيجابي في المجتمعات.يؤمن هاني خاطر بدور الصحافة كأداة للتغيير، ويعتبرها وسيلة لتعزيز التفكير النقدي ومحاربة الفساد والظلم والانتهاكات، بهدف بناء مجتمع أكثر عدلًا وإنصافًا.

مقالات ذات صلة

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زر الذهاب إلى الأعلى

اكتشاف المزيد من الاتحاد الدولى للصحافة العربية

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