As a minister of Human Rights and Equality Kingdom of New Atlantis and Ambassador for the International Human Rights Commission
Here is my plan of actions for the ministry strategy structure :
The ministry’s structure (Future plans)
– Minister Office
– Deputy Office
– Secretary
– Financial and Administrative Affairs
– Human Resources
– Planning and Development
– Information systems
– Technical and Maintenance
– Projects Preparation and Monitoring
– Department of Documentation and Information
– Consular Affairs
– ITs Department
The Organization Structure:
– Meet with all of the ambassadors of all the smart cities
– Its the obligation of every ambassador to open a sub ministry’s, where the heads will be appointed by the ambassadors
– All sub ministries will have its own staffs that will take care of all Citizens of all the Smart cities
– All sub ministries will have to report to the head ministry. Which is the minister office
– One representative from each country is to sit on the board to represent each Smart city or the heads of the sub ministries will be on the board
Sending Information about the ministry’s employees to issue government cards
– Before issuing every employee card,all employee names will be sent to the ministry head by every ambassador that will later be sent to the prime minister.
For my own employees, appointment will be done randomly.
The Minister
Ms Agnes Fortune
Human Rights and Equality
Kingdom of New Atlantis
اكتشاف المزيد من الاتحاد الدولى للصحافة العربية
اشترك للحصول على أحدث التدوينات المرسلة إلى بريدك الإلكتروني.