محمد العبادى
The new kingdom of Atlantis (Land of Wisdom) writes to the European Commission to approve the appointment of a permanent representative
The new kingdom of Atlantis (Land of Wisdom) writes to the European Commission to approve the appointment of a permanent…
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The new kingdom of Atlantis (Land of Wisdom) writes to the African Union Commission to join as an observer or to appoint a permanent representative
The new kingdom of Atlantis (Land of Wisdom) writes to the African Union Commission to join as an observer or…
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The new kingdom of Atlantis (Land of Wisdom) writes to the United Nations to join it
The new kingdom of Atlantis (Land of Wisdom) writes to the United Nations to join it The text of the…
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Religious Advisor to the President of Liberia Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs … Mr. Emmanuel Nimley
Thanks for the Official Invitation Dear Sir, I, Dr. Mohammad Alabbadi, the Prime Minister/ General Supervisor of the Ministry of…
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Statement issued by the Prime Minister, Kingdom of New Atlantis (Wisdom Land)
His Majesty King Harun Aydin held a meeting with The Prime Minister Prince Mohammad Alabbadi with the presence of the…
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بيان صادر عن ديوان رئاسة الوزراء في مملكة أطلانتس الجديدة أرض الحكمة
جلالة الملك هارون إيدن ملك مملكة أطلانتس الجديدة أرض الحكمة يجتمع مع رئيس الوزراء الأمير الدكتور محمد العبادي بحضور وزير…
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