The text of the speech
Ref: 04/011/P.M/2021 Date: 15/11/2021
H.E. António Guterres,
United Nations Secretary-General,
New York, NY 10017,
Dear Mr. Secretary General,
I am pleased to assure you that The Kingdom of New Atlantis (Wisdom Land) fully supports the UN Global System regarding peace, prosperity, sustainability, human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. With this commitment, we express our intention to join and support the UN Global System in advancing the UN Charter, Universal Announcement of Human Rights, UN Global Principles and Objectives. We will issue a clear statement of this commitment to our citizens, stakeholders, and our public.
We also undertake to participate with the UN Global system as follows:
(Including but not limited to the following)
*We will implement and promote the UN’s Top Ten Principles and Top 17 sustainable Development Goals through our own strategic operations.
*Encourage other countries, enterprises, organizations, and others we interact with to participate in the UN Global System.
*We may contribute to the UN Global System Trust Fund and / or support specific UN activities.
*We may also host UN partnered and /or sponsored promotional events in addition to attending international events upon receiving UN invitations.
We understand that the main requirement for being a part of the UN Global System is the submission of an Engagement Letter that describes the Kingdom’s efforts to support UN Global System, its implementation of the respective principles and goals. (We are always ready to participate).
We support public accountability and transparency; therefore, we are committed to submit a progress report within one year about:
1) Introduction profile (Targets and Achievements),
2) Joining the UN Global System (Joining UN organizations and enterprises)
Accordingly, we seek your valuable support to grant the international recognition to our Kingdom of New Atlantis (Wisdom Land) according to the UN Global System policy as H.E. António Guterres (Secretary General) deems appropriate.
Sincerely yours,
H.E. Dr. Mohammad Alabbadi His Majesty King Harun Aydin
Prime Minister King of the Kingdom of New Atlantis
The Kingdom of New Atlantis (WISDOMLAND)
– H.E. António Guterres,
-United Nations Secretary-General
– Kingdom’s Profile
– Kingdom’s Draft Constitution.
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