
The statement in the universes…lecture 12  Secondary Cosmic Laws

12Simple and complex

 The simple and the complex are among the simplest secondary cosmic laws in their appearance, but they are very complex in their essence and understanding, by virtue of the reality itself, which is literally as well, simple and complex to the extreme, or an unimaginable amount, and we are unable to keep pace with this complexity to the end and in advanced stages of abstraction and theoretical generalization We will inevitably reach a high level of complexity to the extent that the current human brain is unable to understand it correctly, especially with the level of leaps made by contemporary human knowledge, where scientific leaps and their discoveries preceded the level of human cultural development by much, which became an obstacle in understanding the facts in the event that we continue to think the same The way and the level of old consciousness.

 This inevitably requires reversing our vision of thinking and directing it towards understanding facts in a manner consistent with the level of human knowledge and scientific development, and the continuation of the contradiction between the scientific method and human societal culture. Actual, and thus will remain unable to complete the cycle of the subject, the reactant and the object, and remain constantly in the phase of the effect, and this is in violation of the laws of cosmic development in the first place, so these peoples live outside the actual real time of their era, and remain in the cycle of the past, which became their ideas, especially the fixed and moving ones in another place Too far from the current relative time.

 From the early universe and the initial beginnings of the formation of the composite cosmic matter, we can clearly observe this law, and the first forms of the emergence of the primary cosmic matter were very simple and not complicated, and it was a primary gaseous substance and a cosmic dark matter, i.e. a simple form of uncomplicated elements, but due to the cosmic laws and their energy installed These elementary elements and a more complex form of material existence emerged from their composition, and this new form became somewhat more complex than the old form of these elements in their first initial state before the possible and potential merger or interaction.

 If we follow this complex process of cosmic evolution, we will clearly see the natural, steady rise of complexity and diversity

 And the possibilities increase as we rise in the cosmic movement of the formation of the primary elements, that is, before the formation of large masses such as stars, galaxies and other interconnected masses, a cosmic link in their presence in a certain system that unites them in some way.

 Matter developed and became more complex with the development of the movement of the cosmic space and its expansion, and new and more complex forms appeared cosmically, including the emergence of the beginnings of organic formation. Certain movement and complexity

 And the transition from the simple to the complex is inevitably and in many stages gradual in complexity from the simple to the complex and with the escalation and transition of something

 From one form to another until we reach the form we know it now, and thus we get an equation that says that any existing thing that we know was not previously in the form it is now, but passed through many stages until reaching this or that form that it is now, and this means Also, this will continue in the future, meaning that the complexity will inevitably continue to escalate and a sustainable transitional movement from the simple to the complex in all phenomena and conditions.

 The simple and the complex constitute a sustainable entrance to our knowledge of anything possible to exist, and it has to do with other philosophical concepts and cosmic laws and overlaps with them in a wonderful and surprising way in its simplicity and its excessive complexity in the event of following its movement and moving in its follow-up from the simple to the complex, and the simplest example that can be evoked, when I see a flower Beautiful white narcissus

 The first thing that will catch my eye will be its beautiful and contrasting shape in a mixture of colors, this is the first and simplest form that I know directly, but as soon as I start approaching the subject realistically, the complexity will gradually begin, and I will smell the smell and start meditating on the differences in colors and the type of the plant from the Onion family or other One of the well-known varieties of roses, and the more you progress

 In the research, the complexity increased and its level increased exponentially. As we progress and deepen in the research, the complexity will increase to infinity.

And we can go back in this way far and deep in time to that first cosmic expansion that we know about in the embryonic universe

 Here, today we can calculate and follow it with complete theoretical, mathematical, physical and logical accuracy until returning from the aforementioned Venus to the beginning of the universe, to atoms and before the emergence of atoms, rather the first particle universe, gaseous, nebulous, simple, active, active and passive. A possible vision of what was before our universe that we know, and we sought to find out what is outside this universe in which we live, what next, our universe is not alone floating in dark matter and the laws of existence, the advanced human consciousness has been able to penetrate the time known to us and move

 In the search beyond this time and before.

 This really means that it has become necessary and urgent to change our way of thinking and pay attention to the facts and see them with the horizon and level of knowledge

 And the discovered facts we have about the universe, and this requires an open and developed imagination in understanding reality.

 From simple to complex.

 In our daily life, we live this law in all its details without thinking that it is a law and we practice it always without knowing it.

 It is not an abstract theoretical equation, but rather the reality of an active, interacting object, and constantly moving, interacting, and moving between all things and phenomena.

 In education, in life, and in practice, for example, when I read any sentence that begins with letters and builds words from them, and these are punches

 As the reading continues, it will form useful sentences, and the latter together give me an idea and a complex picture of a particular topic

 If we observe this simple process, we will see the law’s action in it is very clear, from the very simple letter to the complex and complex word, and from it to the installation of words and placing them in a specific logical intellectual context, and this has become very complex, and moved to advanced stages of thought and mental abstraction, and more useful sentences Complicating and informing, and from them to major ideas, equations, theories, philosophy, sciences, and others.

 We clearly see the dynamism of the movement and how it moves between the simple and the complex in reality, in knowledge, in thought, and in anything that exists.

 In the process of knowledge, because it is through it that we can penetrate to the depths of things and their secrets, and reveal the real facts that are proven about them.

 And in our natural course of life, the more we grow, the more complex our lives, the more our responsibilities and the broadening of our thinking horizons. In carrying out any important work, we always start from the simple and move to the complex, and move between it and an active, interactive and subject until we reach the desired result from the effort directed by the will with the goals it decided on. Monitor it and put it in order to be achieved through active organized human activity, whether it is mental or muscular, it makes no difference.

 This reveals to us an important law that complements this law and forms direct communication with it and overlaps in its action in a wonderful, beautiful and amazing cluster like the aforementioned daffodil flower, and this law is the apparent and the hidden.

اكتشاف المزيد من الاتحاد الدولى للصحافة العربية

اشترك للحصول على أحدث التدوينات المرسلة إلى بريدك الإلكتروني.

هانى خاطر

د. هاني خاطر حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في السياحة والفندقة، إضافة إلى بكالوريوس في الصحافة والإعلام، يشغل منصب رئيس الاتحاد الدولي للصحافة العربية وحقوق الإنسان بكندا، و رئيس تحرير موقع الاتحاد الدولي للصحافة العربية وعدد من المواقع الأخرى.هاني خاطر صحفيًا ومؤلفًا ذو خبرة عميقة في مجال الصحافة والإعلام، متخصصًا في تغطية قضايا الفساد وحقوق الإنسان والحريات، يركز في عمله على تسليط الضوء على القضايا المحورية التي تؤثر على العالم العربي، ولا سيما تلك المتعلقة بالعدالة الاجتماعية والحقوق المدنية.على مدار مسيرته المهنية، نشر العديد من المقالات التي تتناول انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان والحريات العامة في بعض الدول العربية، فضلًا عن القضايا المتعلقة بالفساد الكبير، يتميز أسلوبه الكتابي بالجرأة والشفافية، حيث يسعى من خلاله إلى رفع مستوى الوعي وإحداث تغيير إيجابي في المجتمعات.يؤمن هاني خاطر بدور الصحافة كأداة للتغيير، ويعتبرها وسيلة لتعزيز التفكير النقدي ومحاربة الفساد والظلم والانتهاكات، بهدف بناء مجتمع أكثر عدلًا وإنصافًا.

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