Some of the articles of the constitution of The new kingdom of Atlantis (Wisdomland)
Some of the articles of the constitution of The new kingdom of Atlantis (Wisdomland) part One part two the third…
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We can live with love
Every morning there is a lesson that summarizes the world and what is in it After every sip of our…
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Able, not minors
The woman is found in society to be its complementary half and contributor to the completion of many works in…
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Cosmic code (The statement in the universes ) ( lecture 10)
10-Phenomena and appearances The phenomenon according to the Arabic language according to the Arabic language according to the comprehensive Arabic…
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الإيماء”التمثيل الصامت”والذي يعرف ب “فن الحركات الإيحائية”
الإيماء”التمثيل الصامت”والذي يعرف ب “فن الحركات الإيحائية” أي إيصال المعلومة بالإشارة والإيماء دون الحاجة للتكلم،فقط عن طريق لغة الجسد. فهو…
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Festivals in Syria
as its role in the culture of society and all its members at their various levels.. and the civilization of…
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Under the patronage of H.E.the Minister of Culture Final qualifiers for the vertical and free poetry competition within the competition of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Antiquities In the kingdom of New Atlantis
The final qualifiers for the Arab world and the world for the Vertical Poetry and Prose Poetry Contest were recently…
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Medical events and discoveries that changed the course of history
-1799 AD: Benjamin Waterhouse discovered the smallpox vaccine and introduced it to the United States and saved the lives of…
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منظمة الصحة العالمية: (تقرير) … 200الف طفل يصاب بالسرطان سنويا
اليوم العالمي لسرطان الأطفال والذي يصادف اليوم الثلاثاء 15 من فبراير كل عام بحيث تحرص المؤسسات والمنظمات الدولية على صحة…
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أسس و عوامل تطور الدول المتقدمة
عرف العالم عدة بلدان تمكنت من تحقيق ذاتها وتقدمها في العديد من المجالات والميادين وهي ما تعرف باسم :”الدول المتقدمة…
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