10-Phenomena and appearances
The phenomenon according to the Arabic language according to the Arabic language according to the comprehensive Arabic dictionary, we did not find anything related to the real concept of the phenomenon, or appearances
Namely: it is very far from the real logical philosophical concept and meaning, so we did not provide it linguistically and it is not necessary.
A phenomenon in scientific and philosophical understanding is a specific event or interaction that results in many things and is also caused by more than one thing
Or an event, and phenomena differ according to the level of qualitative development of movement and existence that we seek to research in, and in the first simple level of materials such as the early universe, everything is limited, precisely defined and more controlled, and the primary physical phenomena are the most stable and thus less complex and possibilities, and we have talked a lot about the speed of Light and its stability and how scientists using it in astronomical cosmology as a criterion for measuring large cosmic distances by virtue of the stability and speed of its system.
And when we reach the state of humanity and society, we are in the most complex, development and comprehensive forms of existence known to us so far, and social phenomena are among the most complex, diverse, movement and possibility among the phenomena we know.
Of course, the phenomenon has many causes, and in order to know the main causes of a phenomenon, we must know and follow everything related to it, including the manifestations of this phenomenon, that is, the manifestations that follow and relate to it and follow its path and its relationship to the phenomenon directly. Sometimes the manifestations and causes can overlap. in one phenomenon.
For example, the absence of the sun appears to us by darkness, and we think at first glance that it is the main reason for that, but
In fact, the real reason behind this is the movement of the sun, its gravity and its system that controls the movement of the planets belonging to it, including the earth and the moon, and therefore the phenomenon of the river and the river is considered one of the basic manifestations of the movement that regulates this whole system
From the day and night system that we know in our surroundings of the solar system.
The manifestations overlap and may sometimes become an independent phenomenon by itself, for example, a huge amount of rain falls and a flood occurs.
In an advanced and great stage and the effect of the laws of nature and their action, this appearance turned into an independent phenomenon and it had its action. Rather, it became destructive at times in relation to other things and other manifestations around it in the surrounding environment, and the flood may destroy a lot.
Of things, and at the same time water will renew the life cycle of nature and renew growth and spring.
We clearly see that the appearance may become an effective material thing, but it may turn into a phenomenon and a reason for it to be followed by new manifestations subordinate to it, and thus we see that the phenomenon and its manifestations despite their contrast and despite the fact that the appearance is only a part of the whole and the part is always subject to the whole
He cannot be separated from him except in certain cases, and in them he becomes independent of himself, and here we are in the context of such a situation
And in certain circumstances, it can move to a stage and level that becomes a phenomenon in itself.
This independence of appearance is governed by certain conditions, conditions, necessities, and laws that must be met in order for it to become a phenomenon.
And it happened by itself, and this is one of the strangeness and complexity of natural cosmic phenomena, but after we understood the law of total interdependence
And the universality of the universe, we have the ability to have a deep understanding of such transformations in the cosmic existence known to us and its observationally available space by us.
A deep understanding of the relationship between phenomena, their causes and manifestations, and the nature of their transformations and interactions, can inevitably be possible in all cases
From dealing with nature and the conditions of life in an organized and normative manner based on an understanding of nature itself and its phenomena and manifestations together, for example, when we carefully monitor the weather and with accurate monitoring devices, through which we can calculate a group of manifestations and make predictions
Through it, what will be the case in the next week, and based on that, humans organize their activities during the next week, especially in the winter season, so that many activities and businesses inevitably have to deal with weather, wind, rain, lightning and other things. Navigation, and much more
Other fields of work.
Here we mention the distinction and not to confuse the form and content or the essence and the apparent, that is another law different from this important law.
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