There is no better introduction to describe the position of the teacher than the words of the poet Ahmed Shawqi, who said:
Stand up for your teacher and revere him. The teacher is almost a prophet
Do you know the most honorable of those who build and create souls and minds
Glory be to You, God, the best teacher, and You taught by the pen the first centuries.
You have brought this mind out of its darkness, and you have guided the clear light to a path.
You sent Moses as a guide in the Torah, and the son of the Virgin, so he taught the Gospel
And you blew up the fountain of statement Muhammad
He gave the hadith and gave the download
These verses have been preserved in the hearts of millions of people and are still in our minds whenever we remember a teacher, who was and still is a beacon of the path and role model for generations, with the primary and fundamental role in establishing educated and conscious nations and societies.
The society and the individual will not rise without the presence of that virtuous teacher. Who graduate from his hands the best and most brilliant makers of knowledge (doctors, scientists, engineers, teachers, etc.). For he is the most important pillar in the prosperity and progress of society.
We are talking about the teacher who was a father and a brother to his students. He is the person who exerted all his energy and effort in order to deliver knowledge , and he stayed up nights to prepare lessons in the best and most beautiful ways to bring out to us conscious generations who love knowledge, understand it, and preoccupy them with getting them out of the darkness of ignorance.
He is the one who instills virtue, moral values, and good education, and makes them differentiate between falsehood and truth. He is the wise listener and the virtuous and patient teacher, striving to lead his students to the land of knowledge. An excellent teacher must be distinguished by several characteristics, including:
1- Ethics, patience and wisdom and works on raising and nurturing his students. He is the person who knows all the psychological, social, economic and religious conditions of his students and finds the appropriate way to deal with them.
2- The teacher must have a strong and firm personality and have a high ability to control his students without resorting to violence or using beatings as means to control them or using any degrading words.
3- The ability to influence and guide
4- He is familiar with the specialization he specializes in to give his best
5- His constant readiness to answer students’ questions, no matter how many
6- Not to ignore any of his students, no matter how bad their educational level is.
7- He gives advice to his students and be afraid for them
8- He enhances the student’s self-confidence, encourages him to discuss, encourages criticism, and makes him ask deductive questions from the lesson
9-The great ability of the teacher to assimilate and understand all his students
10- Directing students’ behavior towards good morals, love of friends, participation, and non-bullying among them.
Everyone must also follow several steps so that the teacher can perform his duty to the fullest way, including:
1- Parents should follow up on their children to know their level and their response in terms of education, know their behavior, and attend the meetings designated for parents.
2- Students listen to the lesson and pay attention to each word by the teacher
3- Work on the love of cooperation between the student and the teacher to take what benefits him from knowledge and benefit from every word presented
4- The student must be polite and show respect to his teacher
5- To be loving to his teacher and loving to receive information from him
6 Not to waste time in vain, especially when returning to the home. The student should review his lessons and write his homework
7- Love to share between students during the lesson
Many countries seek to improve and strengthen the teacher’s performance, so the Ministry of Education puts mentors and specialists who work on evaluating the teacher’s work, guiding him and providing everything he needs
It provides all the requirements for him and provides training courses for teachers, each teacher with his specialization and
Encourage the teacher to perform his profession with all sincerity and love
Providing modern methods in the hands of the teacher with advanced devices that serve the educational process.
We are all proud of this noble human being with sublime qualities, and we extend our thanks and appreciation to him for his effort and fatigue, as his impact remained firmly established in society.
اكتشاف المزيد من الاتحاد الدولى للصحافة العربية
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